Using Sand and Water Play to Help Children Tell Their Story
Venue TBC
Wednesday 7 th February 2024 9.30-12.30
The sensory play that sand and water can provide enables children to self-regulate through the tactile
experiences of shaping, pouring, burying, sinking, hiding, and digging. There is a grounding effect of sand and
water play in how it can create a space for the child to express themselves non-verbally. In this kind of play
children often subconsciously create a representation of their inner world and how they see themselves in that
world. They can use the meditative elements of sand and water to process and make sense of difficult feelings.
As an adult providing sensitive guidance through this play, you can be curious and show genuine interest in
what the child is trying to say.
This course will enable you to:
Understand the theory associated with sand and water play.
Explore the benefits of sand and water play for children of all ages.
Understand how sand and water play opportunities can be created.
Learn how to be curious about children’s play in sand and water.
£60 per delegate
To book a place please contact