**Back by Popular Demand ** AUTISM Workshops (Primary) 2023/2024 (Support, advice, and guidance for practitioners supporting children with ASD in Schools)
The Bungalow Partnership are delighted to be continuing the Autism Network events developed last year by Stacey Majoros (Autism Consultant). Stacey offers consultancy, direct support, and a range of workshops throughout the year. The workshops can be attended as a complete series or can be joined as and when required. Each workshop has a stand-alone theme, though last years’ participants enjoyed the continuity and support of attending all six sessions. The workshops are also being offered with an opportunity for practitioners to come along, gain support and guidance in their role and to problem solve as a group – sharing techniques and learning to take back to your individual school/setting.
The workshops being delivered are as follows:
Tuesday 3rd October 2023 Autism Workshop 1 – Planning for the support of Autistic Pupils 1-3pm
Tuesday 28th November 2023 Autism Workshop 2 –Supporting Engagement & Learning in The Classroom 1-3pm
Tuesday 6th February 2024 Autism Workshop 3 – Enhancing Communication with Autistic Pupils 1-3pm
Tues 19th March 2024 Autism Workshop 4 –Autism & Girls, Masking & Friendships 1-3pm
Tuesday 16th April 2024 Autism Workshop 5 – Supporting and planning transition for autistic pupils 1-3pm
Tuesday 18th June 2024 Autism Workshop 6 – Supporting sensory needs in your school environment 1-3pm
To book, please click on the link below, complete the form and return to thebungalowpartnership@gmail.com
Bungalow Partnership Autism Network Workshops 2023-24 Primary (6)
Forced Marriage and Honour Based Abuse
Trainer – Soraya Azam (Safeguarding Consultant)
Venue TBC
Monday 5 th February 2024 9.30am-12.30pm
This training event is delivered by Soraya Azam (Safeguarding Consultant) who has extensive
experience in exploitation, cultural safeguarding, and honour-based crimes. Soraya is a passionate
campaigner for the safety and wellbeing of her local community and we are delighted to be extending
our training offer to include her expertise in this area.
Course is designed For All practitioners who come into contact with children, young people or
Course Aims(s):
This course is aimed at all professionals to help raise awareness of the issue of Forced Marriage and Honour
Based Abuse and support practitioners to identify the warning signs of this complex and often hidden practice.
£60 per delegate
To book a place on the course, please click on the link below, complete the form and return to thebungalowpartnership@gmail.com
Using Sand and Water Play to Help Children Tell Their Story
Venue TBC
Wednesday 7 th February 2024 9.30-12.30
The sensory play that sand and water can provide enables children to self-regulate through the tactile
experiences of shaping, pouring, burying, sinking, hiding, and digging. There is a grounding effect of sand and
water play in how it can create a space for the child to express themselves non-verbally. In this kind of play
children often subconsciously create a representation of their inner world and how they see themselves in that
world. They can use the meditative elements of sand and water to process and make sense of difficult feelings.
As an adult providing sensitive guidance through this play, you can be curious and show genuine interest in
what the child is trying to say.
£60 per delegate
To book a place on this course, please click on the link below, complete the form and return to thebungalowpartnership@gmail.com
Using Sand and Water Play to Help Children Tell Their Story 07.02.24
Improving Executive Functioning
Trainer – Lynn Burt (Trauma Consultant)
Venue TBC (Middlesbrough)
23rd February 2024 9am-12.30pm
This training event is delivered by Lynn Burt (Trauma Consultant for The Bungalow Partnership) and experienced Teacher. Many of you may know Lynn from her work at Teesside University, where she developed the MA Education (Trauma-Informed Practice), PgCert Trauma-Informed Learning and her delivery of the module, Helping Traumatised Children Learn. Lynn is a Trustee at the Attachment Research Community and has a passion for supporting children and young people to heal and thrive and is passionate about working with schools to make this a reality.
£60 per delegate
To book a place please click on the link below, complete the form and return to thebungalowpartnership@gmail.com
The Imagination Journey – Using the principles of guided imagery, meditation and mindfulness to support children’s expression.
Wednesday 28 th February 2024 9.30-12.30
Delivered by Clare Sullivan
Some people find it challenging to verbalise how they are feeling and for many children they simply
don’t have the developed language skills to express their worries and muddles. Using the
imagination unlocks the power of metaphor in the same way that dreams help us unravel our daily
problems and make sense of them subconsciously.
This course provides a sensitive and appropriate introduction to activities that will soothe and
regulate the child whilst opening up opportunities for healing conversations.
This course will enable you to:
Understand the key principles of guided imagery, meditation and mindfulness.
Explore the impact of imagery, meditation and mindfulness.
Understand when it would not be appropriate to use this strategy.
Explore activities that can be used with children.
£50.00 per delegate
To book a place, please click on the link below, complete the form and return to thebugalowpartnership@gmail.com
Managing the Impact of Disclosures on Your Wellbeing
Wednesday 28 th February 2024 5-6pm
It is natural to feel worried and overwhelmed if a child tells you they are being harmed. You will want to create
an environment in which you can support the child/ young person to share their experiences and to receive and
report the information in a way that is both sensitive and accurate. You will want to reassure the child without
over promising, you will want to react appropriately and proportionately and record your notes accurately and
timely. All whilst remaining calm and measured. You have a duty of care and responsibility to the child but also
to yourself and how you take care of yourself afterwards needs to be an integral part of your safeguarding
£30 per delegate
To book a place on this course, please click on the link below, complete the form and return to thebungalowpartnership@gmail.com
Managing the Impact of Disclosures on Your Wellbeing Training 28.02.24
HeartMath Workshop (Transforming stress into resilience)
Monday 4 th March 2024 9.30am-11am
Venue TBC
HeartMath is a way to transform stress into resilience in the moment. We have created a number of
fast and powerful techniques which put you into an optimal state called coherence. Coherence is a
real, scientifically measurable state in which the Autonomic Nervous System is in balance. When you
are coherent you are able to think clearly and objectively.
The Heartmath approach can also use Biofeedback technology as a way to help people realise the full
potential of the power of intention and thought.
£35.00 per delegate
To book a place please click on the link below, complete the form and return to thebungalowpartnership@gmail.com
This training is in high demand and places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment.
Understanding Vicarious Trauma and Compassion Fatigue
Wednesday 6 th March 2024 5-6pm
The most effective way to protect ourselves from the negative impact of stress is to educate
ourselves on the signs and symptoms that show and tell us that we are feeling ‘full’ and likely to
become overwhelmed. We often need reminding of how to make time to care for our own physical
and mental health and how to set emotional boundaries. Once we become more aware of when our
ability to cope is reducing, we can practice regulating strategies that help us to manage and remain
Please note that this workshop is ONLINE using TEAMS. Joining instructions will be sent out via email
following booking confirmation.
£30.00 per delegate
To book a place please click on the link below, complete the form and return to
Understanding Vicarious Trauma and Compassion Fatigue 06.03.24 Online
This training is in high demand and places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment.
Introduction to Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
Led by Maria Catterick (FASD Network UK)
Tuesday 12 th March 2024 9.30-12.30
Newtown Centre. 123 Durham Road. Stockton-on-Tees. TS19 0DE
Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a term used to describe the permanent impacts on the
brain and body of individuals prenatally exposed to alcohol during pregnancy resulting in a spectrum
of physical, neurological, emotional, and behavioural regulation characteristics. This introductory
workshop provides participants with awareness of the condition, its presentation and how
professionals in schools, healthcare and social care can better recognise and respond to children and
young people with FASD.
£60.00 per delegate
To book a place please click on the link below, complete the form and send to thebungalowpartnership@gmail.com
This training is in high demand and places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment.
Encouraging Resilience: A Creative Workshop
Led by Sarah Parker – Art Therapist
Monday 15 th April 2024 1-4pm
Being resilient can be challenging when your life hasn’t been geared around you developing
resources and knowing your strengths. In this workshop we will explore stories from nature where
animals and plants have built resilience and strength because of the obstacles they have faced, the
habitats they grow in, or how they take care of themselves. This is an experiential workshop where
you will explore this yourself through a number of exercises. The exercises will include breathing
techniques, led visualisations, art making and group sharing. General art making materials will be
Monday 15 th April 2024
**Limited Places— Book now to avoid disappointment **
Please note that this workshop is ONLINE using TEAMS. Joining instructions will be sent out via email
following booking confirmation. £40.00 per delegate
To book a place please click on the link below, complete the form and return to thebungalowpartnership@gmail.com
Encouraging Resilience Creative Workshop – Sarah Parker 15.04.24
This training is in high demand and places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment.
Supervision Skills – identifying and managing ‘stuckness’,understanding strengths and spotting the gaps in knowledge and confidence
Wednesday 17 th April 2024 9.30-12.30
Venue TBC
At its core supervision is a collaborative process of learning and development, exploration and
curiosity that leads to enhanced practice. Both the supervisor and the supervisee have an essential
role to play in making positive progress and as always success is based on the quality of the
relationship. At times of challenge we all naturally retreat to what we know, where we feel
comfortable, this might be in the thinking, doing or analysis but wherever we are on our learning
journey we often need a third eye to help us move forward and enable effective change.
£60.00 per delegate
To book a place please click on the link below, complete the form and return to
Supervision Skills – Workshop 17.04.24
This training is in high demand and places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment.
Managing the Impact of Disclosures on Your Wellbeing
Wednesday 17th April 2024 5-6pm
It is natural to feel worried and overwhelmed if a child tells you they are being harmed. You will want to create
an environment in which you can support the child/ young person to share their experiences and to receive and
report the information in a way that is both sensitive and accurate. You will want to reassure the child without
over promising, you will want to react appropriately and proportionately and record your notes accurately and
timely. All whilst remaining calm and measured. You have a duty of care and responsibility to the child but also
to yourself and how you take care of yourself afterwards needs to be an integral part of your safeguarding
£30 per delegate
To book a place on this course, please click on the link below, complete the form and return to thebungalowpartnership@gmail.com
Managing the Impact of Disclosures on Your Wellbeing Training 17.04.2024
Abuse Related to Beliefs in Witchcraft
Trainer – Soraya Azam (Safeguarding Consultant)
Venue TBC
Thursday 18 th April 2024 1-4pm
This training event is delivered by Soraya Azam (Safeguarding Consultant) who has extensive
experience in exploitation, cultural safeguarding, and honour-based crimes. Soraya is a passionate
campaigner for the safety and wellbeing of her local community, and we are delighted to be extending
our training offer to include her expertise in this area.
Background: The word ‘witchcraft’ describes a diverse set of spiritual expressions, which often include various
forms of spellcasting, so-called black magic, and other practices, some of which may have been derived from
other religious traditions such as shamanism and paganism. A witch is defined as a woman who practices
witchcraft. The word ‘witch’ comes from the Old English term ‘bewitch’ which is commonly understood as the
act of casting a spell on another person to gain control over them (this could be for a variety of reasons). The
present-day use of ‘witch’ may, or may not, carry that connotation. Witchcraft may be practiced as an isolated
spiritual activity independent of a traditional religion, yet it may also be one aspect within a traditional religion
as well.
Course is designed For All practitioners who come into contact with children, young people or
£60 per delegate
To book a place please click on the link below, complete the form and return to thebungalowpartnership@gmail.com
Identifying transference and countertransference in working with children
Wednesday 24 th April 2024 5-6pm
In all our interactions there are feelings and emotions involved, some positive and some not so
helpful. Sometimes we might feel and express a strong emotion towards someone and not
understand why it has surfaced in a particular situation. Sometimes we might seem to elicit strong
emotions or reactions in others and wonder how or why this has happened. This course will help you
understand how relationship dynamics can be impacted by ‘your stuff and ‘their stuff’. The first step
in managing the impact is understanding why it happens and how it happens.
£30.00 per delegate
To book a place please click the lnk below, complete the form and return to
Transference and Countertransference in Working with Children and Young People 24.04.24
Please book early to avoid disappointment.
Understanding Anger and Shame – A Creative Workshop
Led by Sarah Parker —Art Therapist
Monday 13 th May 2024 1-4pm
Anger and shame can be particularly difficult emotions to be with. In this experiential workshop, we
will look at the purpose of these emotions, the body’s role in processing them, and creative ways to
express these emotions. This will be done through breathing techniques, led visualisations, art making
and group sharing. General art making materials will be needed.
This training will include…
Art Making
Creative Visualisations
Breath work
Please note that this workshop is ONLINE using Zoom. Joining instructions will be sent out via email
following booking confirmation.
£40.00 per delegate
To book a place please click on the link below, complete the form and return to
Understanding Anger & Shame – Online 13.05.24
This training is in high demand and places are limited
so book early to avoid disappointment.
Supporting Beginnings, Transitions and Endings for Children
Wednesday 15 th May 2024 9.30-12.30
Venue TBC
The Hawaiian word ‘Aloha’ means hello as well as goodbye and as such captures the importance of
both. Some of us find new situations and meeting new people challenging and uncomfortable,
whilst some of us struggle with goodbyes; preferring to slip away unnoticed. Our responses to the
start and finish of life events are rooted in our attachment patterns and our early experiences of how
we are presented with change. Routine creates a sense of security and safety, but our lives present
us with the constant reminder that all things come to an end.
£60.00 per delegate
To book a place please click the link below, complete the form and return to thebungalowpartnership@gmail.com
Supporting Beginnings, Transitions and Endings for Children 15.05.24
This training is in high demand and places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment.
Voice Hearing –Awareness and Support
Thursday 23 rd May 9.30am-11am
Venue TBC
Hearing voices is often considered a sign of mental illness, but it can also be a source of personal and
spiritual growth. Some people who hear voices may experience them as meaningful messages from
a higher power, a guide, an ancestor, or a part of themselves. These voices may offer insight,
comfort, or challenge. They may also reflect the persons’ inner conflicts, fears, hopes, and desires.
Transpersonal psychology is a branch of psychology that explores the spiritual aspects of human
experience, such as altered states of consciousness, mystical experiences, and paranormal
Transpersonal psychology recognizes that hearing voices can be a transpersonal phenomenon, that
a phenomenon that transcends the ordinary sense of self and connects the person to a larger reality.
Transpersonal psychology also acknowledges that hearing voices can be a transformational
that is, a phenomenon that can lead to positive changes in the persons’ identity, values, beliefs, and
If this is something that sparks your curiosity, then please join me for a discussion on how unusual
difficult experiences
can lead to personal transformation.
£35.00 per delegate
To book a place please click the link below, complete the form and return to thebungalowpartnership@gmail.com
Hearing Voices Workshop 23.05.24
This training is in high demand and places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment.
Adoption Friendly Schools Training
Trainer – Lynn Burt (Trauma Consultant)
Venue TBC (Middlesbrough)
7th June 2024 9am-3pm
This training event is delivered by Lynn Burt (Trauma Consultant for The Bungalow Partnership) and experienced Teacher. Many of you may know Lynn from her work at Teesside University, where she developed the MA Education (Trauma-Informed Practice), PgCert Trauma-Informed Learning and her delivery of the module, Helping Traumatised Children Learn. Lynn is a Trustee at the Attachment Research Community and has a passion for supporting children and young people to heal and thrive and is passionate about working with schools to make this a reality.
£90 per delegate
To book a place please click on the link below, complete the form and return to thebungalowpartnership@gmail.com
Understanding Vicarious Trauma and Compassion Fatigue
Wednesday 12 th June 2024 5-6pm
The most effective way to protect ourselves from the negative impact of stress is to educate
ourselves on the signs and symptoms that show and tell us that we are feeling ‘full’ and likely to
become overwhelmed. We often need reminding of how to make time to care for our own physical
and mental health and how to set emotional boundaries. Once we become more aware of when our
ability to cope is reducing, we can practice regulating strategies that help us to manage and remain
Please note that this workshop is ONLINE using TEAMS. Joining instructions will be sent out via email
following booking confirmation.
£30.00 per delegate
To book a place please click on the link below, complete the form and return to
Understanding Vicarious Trauma and Compassion Fatigue 12.06.24 Online
This training is in high demand and places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment.
Using Art as a Reflective Tool
Led by Sarah Parker – Art Therapist
Monday 24 th June 2024 1-4pm
Sometimes it’s challenging to explore and understand difficulties at work or home. This is an
experiential workshop leading you through exercises to use art to reflect on something that is
challenging, or you feel stuck on at work. The exercises will include breathing techniques, led
visualisations, art making and group sharing. General art materials will be needed.
Monday 24 th June 2024
**Limited Places— Book now to avoid disappointment **
Please note that this workshop is ONLINE using TEAMS. Joining instructions will be sent out via email
following booking confirmation.
£40.00 per delegate
To book a place please click on the link below, complete the form and return to
Using Art as a Reflective Tool 24.06.24
This training is in high demand and places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment.
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words (Using pictures, photographs and images to enable a child’s process)
Wednesday 26 th June 2024 9.30-12.30
Venue TBC
Images can evoke emotions, memories, thoughts, and ideas and can unlock story telling for children
who have found it difficult to express how they might be feeling. Choosing images to describe, group
or change through cutting and collage making can provide the basis for a child to make meaning of
muddles and worries. Images can be photos, pictures, or paintings, they can be abstract or concrete.
It is a creative medium for the child to express their thoughts.
£60.00 per delegate
To book a place please click the link below, complete the form and return to thebungalowpartnership@gmail.com
A Picture is worth a thousand words Training 26.06.24
This training is in high demand and places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment.
Working Therapeutically with Metaphor
Wednesday 3 rd July 2024 9.30-12.30
Venue: TBC
Metaphor is one of the key forms of comparative description in poetry and prose and we use them
all the time in our figurative speech; as such they are a useful tool when working with children. Using
metaphor can provide an opportunity for children to talk about confusing and difficult thoughts and
feelings. Using metaphors to explore similarities and common ground in difficult experiences can
help children normalise their responses to the challenges they may be facing and help them feel less
This course will enable you to:
Identify when and where we use metaphor in everyday life.
Explore the theory relating to how metaphor can help children process difficult feelings.
Understand when and where metaphor might be useful for children.
Explore how metaphor can be introduced through activities with children.
£60.00 per delegate
To book a place please click on the link below, complete the form and return to
Working Therapeutically with Metaphor 03.07.24
This training is in high demand and places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment.
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