Using Art as a Reflective Tool ONLINE
Using Art as A Reflective Tool
Led by Sarah Parker —Art Therapist
15th of November 2021. 1-4pm Online. (Instructions to join will be sent to participants after booking)
Learn about the value of using art as a reflective tool with our interactive workshop. The workshop is
experiential, allowing participants to engage in art activities that they can utilise to help unblock
thought processes and gain clarity and direction. The activities are for both personal use and use with
clients and staff that you may support.
This training is for you if you want to …
Explore a range of art making, visualisation and breathing activities that help you/ clients gain
clarity and improved reflection.
Understand how art making activities, alongside other reflection techniques, can support you to
reflect on something that is challenging or leaves you feeling stuck in someway.
Engage in discussions about the activities and how they can be used within your individual
settings and in your own personal and professional lives.