Abuse Related to Beliefs in Witchcraft
Trainer – Soraya Azam (Safeguarding Consultant)
Venue TBC
Thursday 18th April 2024 1-4pm
This training event is delivered by Soraya Azam (Safeguarding Consultant) who has extensive
experience in exploitation, cultural safeguarding, and honour-based crimes. Soraya is a passionate
campaigner for the safety and wellbeing of her local community, and we are delighted to be extending
our training offer to include her expertise in this area.
Background: The word ‘witchcraft’ describes a diverse set of spiritual expressions, which often include various forms of spellcasting, so-called black magic, and other practices, some of which may have been derived from other religious traditions such as shamanism and paganism. A witch is defined as a woman who practices witchcraft. The word ‘witch’ comes from the Old English term ‘bewitch’ which is commonly understood as the act of casting a spell on another person to gain control over them (this could be for a variety of reasons). The present-day use of ‘witch’ may, or may not, carry that connotation. Witchcraft may be practiced as an isolated spiritual activity independent of a traditional religion, yet it may also be one aspect within a traditional religion as well.
Course is designed For All practitioners who come into contact with children, young people or
Course Aims(s):
This course is aimed at all professionals to help raise awareness of the issue of Abuse related to Witchcraft and
support practitioners to identify the warning signs of this complex and often hidden practice.
Learning Outcomes
To know what witchcraft is.
To be aware of belief systems where witchcraft is found in some form.
To know how widespread witchcraft is in the UK and beyond.
To be aware of relevant statistics on witchcraft.
To understand the link between witchcraft, possession, and abuse.
To know the different forms of abuse.
To be aware of the common factors and causes.
To know the government guidelines, police initiatives and useful links.
To know how this impacts you as a professional.
£60 per delegate To book a place please contact