Forced Marriage & Honour Based Abuse

Trainer – Soraya Azam (Safeguarding Consultant)

Venue TBC

Monday 5 th February 2024 9.30am-12.30pm

This training event is delivered by Soraya Azam (Safeguarding Consultant) who has extensive
experience in exploitation, cultural safeguarding, and honour-based crimes. Soraya is a passionate
campaigner for the safety and wellbeing of her local community and we are delighted to be extending
our training offer to include her expertise in this area.
Course is designed For All practitioners who come into contact with children, young people or
Course Aims(s):
This course is aimed at all professionals to help raise awareness of the issue of Forced Marriage and Honour
Based Abuse and support practitioners to identify the warning signs of this complex and often hidden practice.
Learning Outcomes
 Know the definition of Honour Based Abuse. Distinguish between a forced marriage and an arranged
 Recognise key warning signs of forced marriage.
 Know how to support someone experiencing Honour Based Abuse and/or Forced Marriage and
understand the legal position including Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act 2007.
 Understand what is meant by culture, its impact on community values and the relationships with
honour-based abuse. Develop greater understanding of what constitutes honour related abuse
including why and how it happens and the barriers for seeking help.
 Understand the role of different agencies working in the field and learn about sources of help available.
 Be able to take steps to safeguard a child/ young person/ vulnerable adult at risk of FM/HBA.
£60 per delegate To book a place please contact

The Bungalow Partnership
Rose Wood Academy
The Garth
Coulby Newham

Telephone: 01642 595363

Registered Charity Number 1160501