Cultural Barriers in Safeguarding Children
Trainer – Soraya Azam (Safeguarding Consultant)
This training event is delivered by Soraya Azam (Safeguarding Consultant) who has extensive experience in exploitation, cultural safeguarding and honour-based crimes. Soraya is a passionate campaigner for the safety and wellbeing of her local community and we are delighted to be extending our training offer to include her expertise in this area.
Course is designed For All practitioners who come into contact with children, young people or parents
Course Training Overview:
To enhance participant’s awareness and understanding of cultural barriers in relation to their work with children and young people.
Learning Outcomes
- Discuss the terms religion, faith, culture, race and ethnicity and define what they mean; recognising the difference between ‘culture’ and ‘religion’ and how some cultural teachings can lead to abusive behaviour.
- Identify our own culture and beliefs and recognise how they impact on us professionally to challenge any internal bias or stereotypes.
- Promote the importance of including faith and culture in the assessment of children/young people and families; to understand and evidence any impact on the child.
- Identify indicators of honour-based abuse, and abuse within BME communities; increasing understanding of how to ‘ask the right questions’ to inform assessment of risk and harm and inform decision-making and intervention.
- Increase professional understanding of coercive control and how to evidence this; not allowing cultural sensitivity to overshadow safeguarding.
To book a place please contact